Each year NDS holds the Placemat contest to find student-made artwork to debut on our breakfast and lunch tray liners. All students grades KG-12 may submit original artwork that encourages healthy eating and physical activity and/or promotes the School Lunch or Breakfast Program. All entries should be drawn by hand in black or dark colored pen or marker on 8.5” X 11” paper. Be sure to include the student’s name, grade and school on the back of the design. Please give your entries to Mrs. Bluhm in the Cafe.
Entries are due Friday, September 30th! See the attached flyer- share with school staff, parents, teachers, everyone! Mrs. Bluhm will submit all SMS entries to NDS.
Voting will take place on the NDS School Lunch Facebook page. Each “like” that the placemat receives counts as one vote. The placemat with the most votes at 3:00 PM on Friday, October 21st will win! Winners will receive a $50 gift certificate!
Ten additional entries with great slogans will be featured on the 2022-2023 menu! These Slogan winners will receive a $10 gift certificate!
Please direct questions to Mrs. Bluhm, PBluhm@smsk-8.org