Below is the latest update from Mrs. Weidemoyer for the Grade Level Performances at the Bazaar this weekend.
These times are for Saturday, November 19th.
9:15am – PreK 3 and 4
10:00am – Kindergarten
10:15am – First Grade
10:45am – Second Grade
11:15am – Third and Fourth Grades
12:30pm - Fifth Grade
1:30pm – Sixth and Eighth Grades
Performing students should be dressed nicely, Christmas apparel if they would like, but not necessary. They should report to the ANNEX Rooms 15 minutes prior to their scheduled performance times. They may leave their coats and belongings in the Annex as they are escorted across the boardwalk into the hall through the side door for the performance. At the conclusion of the performance, they will return to the Annex where parents should come to pick them up. For safety and security reasons, no one will be dismissed from the stage. All performers must be picked up by a parent in the Annex. Thank you for your participation in this event!!! We are looking forward to some fabulous performances!!!!