We invite all Saint Mary School Families to gather virtually and join Fr. Bellopede on Wednesday, April 8th at 9am for Mass on our Saint Mary Church Facebook page or Saint Mary Parish website by clicking on either of the links below.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church Facebook
Saint Mary Parish Website
Did you know Saint Mary Catholic School has a YouTube Channel? If you missed the 9am live Mass, you can find it archived on the school's YouTube Channel 60 minutes after the Mass. Please subscribe to our Saint Mary School's YouTube channel.
To subscribe to Saint Mary Catholic School YouTube
• Click on the link below
• Open any of the school videos and click on the red text "SUBSCRIBE" below the video
• Once you tap the red "subscribe" text, you will be notified of any posted videos
Saint Mary Catholic School YouTube Channel
While we know this can never replace truly being present at Mass or receiving Holy Eucharist, we hope you will join us virtually until we are all able to celebrate in person together as a school community! We are "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow."