Hello Everyone! My name is Jane Weidemoyer, and I am the music/performing arts teacher here at Saint Mary's. I have been here at Saint Mary's for thirteen years. Prior to that, I worked as a music therapist and music educator at KidsPeace, Lehigh Valley. I hold a bachelor of arts degree in music from Misericordia University in Dallas, PA, where my major instrument was classical guitar. I have earned certifications in both music education and music therapy. I have also studied music education at Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA, and drama through the University of the Arts at Villanova.
In addition to teaching at SMS, I am currently the music coordinator for the Parish of Saint Mary's, where I direct the Children's and Youth Choirs and cantor when needed. I have also directed the Bells of Saint Mary's in the past and hope to revive this group in the future!
I live in Perkiomenville with my husband, Dennis, and my youngest daughter Molly. Dennis takes care of all our sound needs and assists in many other ways as well. Molly offers her own unique support in any way she can.
Of course, music, especially liturgical music, and theater, are my passions! I truly enjoy teaching here at Saint Mary's and having the opportunity to impart some of that passion to my students. It is my hope that they learn to appreciate music and theater, understand their value in drawing them closer to God, and that they gain all of the many benefits that participation in these activities has to offer!