Please be advised that, throughout the school year, school closings, delayed openings, and emergency closings while school is in session are all possible due to weather conditions and other unforeseen events. Every family has been asked to supply emergency contact numbers to the school so that we can maintain an emergency call system, which we use for closing while in session. Please make sure you inform us of any change in your emergency call numbers or go onto MSP and change your numbers.
School Closing/Snow Days Saint Mary Catholic School is located in Perkiomen Valley School District. However, if PV School District is closed that does not automatically mean that our school is closed. Generally, we follow their lead, but not always. Please be sure to always look or listen for our school number or name.
Also, there are times when Saint Mary School is open but your school district may be closed. In that case, you would need to bring your child to school since your district may not be providing transportation.
Delayed Openings First: Determine what Saint Mary Catholic School schedule will be for the day.
Second and very Important: Bus transportation follows your school district’s decision.
If we have a delay, school will open according to delay announced. Transportation may be affected depending on your school district. Some school districts will not provide transportation (if their schedule is different from ours).
Students should not be dropped off at school until 20 minutes prior to the designated opening time. Please Do Not drop your children off earlier. Follow our time not your school district’s time.
When dropping children off always make sure there is adult supervision.
If the school district in which you reside has a delayed opening, Half-Day PreK and Kindergarten will follow the morning schedule for that school district. Dismissal will be at 3:15 p.m. with buses provided except for Spring-Ford.
There may be times when we will not have a delayed opening, but other districts will. If we open on time but your district has a delay, they will not bus according to our schedule. They will bus according to their own schedule. Students arriving on the delayed schedule are marked late.
Early Dismissals/Emergency Closings Early dismissals present some challenges. We have 9 school districts that provide transportation to our school. Each will make their own decision about closing and then contact the school. Through our School Emergency Broadcast system, we will call to inform you of transportation changes and/or school closings.
The information you need to remember in case of early school closing Do not call school to find out what is happening. Your calls prevent transportation services from notifying us of changes.
Generally, we will close if the majority of school districts are closing. Our School Closing Number is 378.
Boyertown and Pottsgrove districts are announced by name on WPAZ (1370 AM) and WNPV (1440 AM)
School districts announce their own transportation plans. These do not necessarily mean we are closing. We will call you through our School Emergency Broadcast system to inform you if we are.
Please remember we must contact you before we can send your children home.